Best Vegetables to Plant in August and September

Dr. John 6/11/2024 05:14:00 PM 6/28/2024 05:38:31 PM
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Description: Learn about the best vegetables to plant in August and September to maximize your fall harvest.
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Gardening is a year-round activity that brings joy and healthy produce to our tables.

While spring and early summer are the most common planting seasons, August and September offer unique opportunities for gardeners to extend their growing season.

Best Vegetables to Plant in August and September
Best Vegetables to Plant in August and September

This article will explore the best vegetables to plant in August and September, providing tips and insights to ensure a bountiful fall harvest.

Why Plant in August and September?

Planting vegetables in August and September has several benefits that can enhance your gardening experience.

  • Cooler Temperatures: As summer heat wanes, cooler temperatures create an ideal environment for many vegetables.
  • Extended Harvest: Planting in late summer allows for an extended harvest, providing fresh produce well into the fall.
  • Pest Reduction: Many common garden pests are less active in the cooler months, reducing the risk of infestations.

Note: The specific timing for planting will depend on your local climate and the first expected frost date.

Best Vegetables to Plant in August and September

Here are some of the best vegetables to consider planting during these months to make the most of the fall growing season.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are perfect for late summer planting due to their fast growth and tolerance to cooler temperatures.

  1. Lettuce
  2. Spinach
  3. Kale
  4. Arugula

Note: Leafy greens often thrive in partial shade and can be harvested multiple times throughout the season.

Root Vegetables

Root vegetables are another excellent choice, providing hearty and nutritious additions to your fall meals.

  • Carrots
  • Beets
  • Radishes
  • Turnips

Note: Ensure soil is well-prepared and free of rocks to promote straight growth of root vegetables.


Legumes such as beans and peas are ideal for late summer planting, offering nitrogen-fixing benefits for your soil.

  1. Green Beans
  2. Snow Peas
  3. Sugar Snap Peas

Note: Legumes can help improve soil health for future plantings due to their nitrogen-fixing capabilities.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are well-suited for cooler weather, making them perfect for planting in August and September.

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Cabbage

Note: Cruciferous vegetables may require protection from pests such as cabbage worms.

Read about Best vegetables to plant in July 

Planting Tips

To ensure a successful fall harvest, follow these planting tips:

  • Choose the Right Varieties: Select vegetable varieties that mature quickly and are suitable for fall planting.
  • Prepare Your Soil: Enrich your soil with compost and ensure good drainage to support healthy plant growth.
  • Water Consistently: Maintain consistent moisture levels to prevent stress on your plants.
  • Protect from Frost: Be prepared to cover your plants if an early frost threatens your garden.
  • Succession Planting: Stagger plantings to ensure a continuous harvest throughout the fall.

Note: Monitoring weather forecasts and understanding your local climate is crucial for successful fall gardening.


Planting vegetables in August and September can significantly extend your gardening season and provide fresh, nutritious produce well into the fall.

By selecting the right crops and following best practices for planting and care, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest even as the days grow shorter and cooler.


Can I plant vegetables in August and September in all climates?

While you can plant vegetables in August and September in many climates, the specific crops and timing will depend on your local weather conditions and first expected frost date.

What are the best vegetables to plant in late summer?

Some of the best vegetables to plant in late summer include leafy greens (like lettuce and spinach), root vegetables (like carrots and radishes), legumes (like beans and peas), and cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli and cauliflower).

How do I protect my fall vegetables from frost?

To protect fall vegetables from frost, you can use row covers, cloches, or cold frames. Mulching around plants can also help retain soil warmth.

How often should I water my fall garden?

Consistent watering is key for a fall garden. Ensure your plants receive about 1 inch of water per week, either from rainfall or manual watering.

Can I start seeds indoors for a fall garden?

Yes, starting seeds indoors can give your fall garden a head start. Transplant seedlings outdoors when they are robust enough and temperatures are favorable.

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Dr. John

AuthorDr. John

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