What Vegetables to Plant in July

Dr. John 6/11/2024 02:46:00 PM 7/04/2024 04:43:36 PM
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Description: Plant vegetables in July for a bountiful fall harvest. Discover the best crops to plant mid-summer, including leafy greens, root vegetables, brassicas
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July might seem like the heat of summer, but it’s not too late to get some vegetables in the ground. 

Whether you're filling in gaps in your garden or starting a new round of crops, there are plenty of options that thrive when planted in July.

What Vegetables to Plant in July
What Vegetables to Plant in July

This guide will walk you through the best vegetables to plant during this mid-summer month, ensuring you can continue harvesting fresh produce well into the fall.

Why Plant in July?

Planting vegetables in July offers several benefits. For one, the soil is warm, which accelerates seed germination and growth.

Additionally, many vegetables that you plant now will mature as the weather cools, providing a steady harvest through the late summer and early fall.

July planting also helps stagger your crops, avoiding a single overwhelming harvest period.

Warm Soil, Fast Germination

The summer heat means the soil is already warm, which is ideal for many seeds to germinate quickly.

This is particularly beneficial for crops like beans and cucumbers, which thrive in warm conditions and can quickly grow to maturity.

Warm soil also helps seedlings establish more rapidly, giving them a good start before the cooler fall weather sets in.

Extended Harvest Season

By planting in July, you can extend your harvest season significantly. While your spring crops might be winding down, new summer plantings can keep your garden productive.

This means you can enjoy fresh vegetables from your garden for a longer period, reducing the need to purchase produce from the store.

Best Vegetables to Plant in July

Leafy vegetables to Plant in July


Varieties like romaine and butterhead can be best July vegetables to plant.

They grow quickly and can be harvested as baby greens in just a few weeks.

Lettuce prefers cooler temperatures but can still thrive in the heat with proper care.


This hardy green can tolerate the heat but will thrive as temperatures start to cool in late summer.

Spinach is quick-growing and can be harvested multiple times if you cut the outer leaves.


Another resilient green, kale can be planted in July for a fall harvest.

It even becomes sweeter after a light frost. Kale is known for its nutritional value and can be used in salads, smoothies, and soups.

Root Vegetables to Plant in July


Carrots planted in July will mature in the cooler months, making them sweeter and crisper. 

Choose fast-maturing varieties to ensure a good harvest before the first frost.


These versatile vegetables can be harvested as both greens and roots, and they thrive in the cooler fall temperatures.

Beets are also great for juicing, roasting, and pickling.


Fast-growing radishes are perfect for July planting.

They can be ready to harvest in as little as 30 days, providing a quick turnaround and a spicy addition to salads and dishes.

Brassicas to Plant in July


Start broccoli seeds indoors in July and transplant them outside in late summer for a fall harvest.

Broccoli is rich in vitamins and can be steamed, roasted, or eaten raw.


Similar to broccoli, cauliflower can be seeded in July for a late fall harvest.

Ensure they get plenty of water to avoid stress from the heat.

Cauliflower can be used in a variety of dishes, from casseroles to pizza crusts.


Both green and red cabbage varieties can be planted in July for a robust fall crop.

Cabbage is versatile and can be used in salads, sauerkraut, and soups.

Legumes to Plant in July

Bush Beans

These fast growers can be planted in July and will produce a harvest before the first frost.

Opt for heat-tolerant varieties for the best results.

Bush beans are excellent sources of protein and fiber.


While peas are typically a spring crop, certain varieties can be planted in July for a fall harvest. 

Look for heat-tolerant types like 'Wando.' Peas are great for snacking, adding to salads, and cooking in various dishes.

Herbs to Plant in July


This heat-loving herb can be planted throughout the summer.

Frequent harvesting will keep it producing well into the fall.

Basil is perfect for making pesto, flavoring sauces, and adding to salads.


Plant cilantro in July for a continuous supply of fresh leaves.

It tends to bolt quickly in the heat, but regular harvesting can prolong its production.

Cilantro is a key ingredient in many cuisines, especially Mexican and Indian dishes.


Another herb that can be planted in July, dill thrives in the warm summer months and will keep producing into the fall.

Dill is commonly used in pickling, soups, and as a seasoning for fish.

Read about Best vegetables to plant in August and September 

Tips for Successful July Planting

Choose the Right Varieties

Opt for fast-growing and heat-tolerant varieties to ensure success. Look for terms like “heat-resistant” or “bolt-resistant” on seed packets. 

Varieties bred for summer planting are more likely to thrive in the warm conditions of July.

Prepare the Soil

Ensure your garden soil is well-amended with compost and organic matter to retain moisture and provide essential nutrients.

Good soil preparation is key to helping plants establish quickly and grow robustly.

Water Regularly

The heat of July can dry out soil quickly. Water deeply and consistently to keep the soil moist, especially for new seedlings.

Consider using soaker hoses or drip irrigation to ensure even watering without wasting water.

Provide Shade

Use shade cloths or plant in areas that get partial shade during the hottest part of the day to protect tender plants from scorching.

Temporary shade can help seedlings survive the intense midday sun.


Applying a layer of mulch around your plants helps retain moisture, keep roots cool, and reduce weed competition.

Organic mulches like straw or shredded leaves are excellent choices.


Planting vegetables in July is not only feasible but also highly rewarding.

By choosing the right crops and following proper gardening practices, you can extend your growing season and enjoy fresh produce well into the cooler months.

From leafy greens and root vegetables to herbs and legumes, there’s a wide variety of vegetables that can thrive when planted in mid-summer.

Get out in the garden, embrace the summer heat, and watch your July vegetables plantings flourish into a bountiful fall harvest.

FAQs About Planting Vegetables in July

Can you start a vegetable garden in July?

Yes, you can start a vegetable garden in July. Many vegetables thrive when planted mid-summer, especially if you choose heat-tolerant and fast-growing varieties. By selecting the right crops and providing proper care, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest in the fall.

What vegetables grow best in July?

Vegetables that grow best when planted in July include leafy greens (like lettuce, spinach, and kale), root vegetables (such as carrots, beets, and radishes), brassicas (like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage), legumes (such as bush beans and peas), and herbs (including basil, cilantro, and dill). These crops can handle the summer heat and often mature in cooler fall temperatures.

How often should I water my July-planted vegetables?

Vegetables planted in July need regular watering, especially because the summer heat can quickly dry out the soil. Water deeply and consistently to keep the soil moist. Depending on your local climate, you might need to water daily or every other day. Using mulch can help retain soil moisture and reduce the frequency of watering.

Do I need to shade my vegetables planted in July?

Providing shade for your vegetables planted in July can be beneficial, especially during the hottest part of the day. Shade cloths or planting in areas that receive partial shade can protect tender plants from scorching and reduce heat stress. Temporary shade structures can be particularly useful for young seedlings.

How can I protect my July garden from pests?

Pests can be more prevalent in the summer months, so taking steps to protect your garden is crucial. Use physical barriers like row covers to keep insects away. Practice crop rotation and plant companion plants that repel pests, such as marigolds and garlic. Regularly inspect your plants for signs of pests and take action promptly if you notice any issues. Organic pesticides can be used as a last resort if other methods are not effective.

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Dr. John

AuthorDr. John

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